In addition to the contact lens handling and care instructions provided by your doctor and your particular brand of contact lenses, these simple do's and don'ts will help keep your eyes healthy and your contact lenses working properly.
- Follow the directions that come with your lenses.
- Always wash your hands before handling contact lenses.
- Clean and disinfect reusable lenses each time they are removed.
- Store lenses in the proper contact lens storage case.
- Always use fresh contact lens solution.
- Get your doctor's permission before taking medicines or using topical eye products.
- Remove your contact lenses and contact your doctor if you have vision changes, eye redness, eye discomfort, pain and/or excessive tearing.
- Handle contact lenses over a clean and lint free towel.
- See your optometrist for your regularly scheduled contact lens and eye examination.
- Use tap water, distilled water or saline water for any part of your contact lens care.
- Use saliva to wet your contact lenses.
- Mix different brands of cleaner or solution.
- Change your contact lens-care products without your doctor's advice.
- Let cosmetics lotions, sprays or creams touch your contact lenses.
- Wear daily-wear contact lenses during sleep.
- Wear contact lenses when swimming or when in a hot tub.
- Wear your contact lenses longer than prescribed by your doctor.
- Experiment with your contact lenses by using food coloring to tint them.
- Share your contact lenses with anyone.
Lenses should be replaced as discussed with the doctor. Lenses schedules are implemented at the recommendation of the Food and Drug Administration, as they have studied the lens and approved a wearing schedule that makes wearing of the contact lens compatible with maintaining good eye health and hygiene. Wear longer than recommended schedule puts you at risk for certain eye infections, inflammations and even corneal blindness.
"Long-term soft contact lens wear seems not to alter the corneal biomechanical properties,"
Anja Kissner, MD, and colleagues
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