Despite it being a little more costly than readily available beauty products, consulting a doctor is the best way on how to get rid of acne. The reason for this is that the doctor knows what type of treatment to give based on the patient’s skin type.
Most of the products available now in the market are intended for a more general skin type. However, most women who have acne prone skin do not see effective results from commercialized products.Acne scars cannot be easily erased with just a simple application of specific lotion intended to lighten the scars. It may take months and even years before the medication takes effect.
With today’s laser treatments and dermabrasion, people can experience better results by seeing the renewal of skin. On a different hand, some people blamegenetics for giving them an acne prone skin. The solution they look for is to correct any hormonal imbalance that causes too much acne and scars afterwards.
Having or taking oral pills is one way of solving this dilemma. There are medicines and medications prescribed by doctors but these come with a waiver. Prescription drugs for acne scars may give side effects to the patient like having abnormalities on the baby in the event the patient gets pregnant while taking the pills.Before going through acne medication, consult a doctor first to decide which procedure can work more effectively with your skin type and with your budget.
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